Joseph Webb
ARE 1908 -1962

The Lights that Flit across my Brain
He possessed a sense of deep religious conviction which is found throughout his work. However, there is a warm air of benediction and comfort that pervades some designs.


Etching by J. Webb – was a printmaker, muralist and teacher of etching and sculpture

Etchings & Prints

Shepherd’s Haven Etching year 1929

Pippin Lane Etching 1938

Buckinghamshire Lane Etching 1931

The Tannery Etching 1931

Joseph Webb is best known amongst collectors for his etchings Rat Barn 1928 and Dream Barn 1929. He is generally regarded as being a part of the revival of the pastoral tradition of whom Graham Sutherland, Robin Tanner and Paul Drury stand as figureheads.


Doors of the Heart
The Master’s House oil, 1930
Painting 2
Painting 1

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Curator: Jane Furst

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